Monday, February 20, 2012


Yea, I know... it's been awhile since I updated.  But it's not from lack of bench time!  It's from lack of quality pictures.  This is now my new priority - getting better pictures of my flies.  This Saturday I'm in an all day Nikon school with my dad, and hopefully we'll be able to cover some techniques for macro photography and proper lighting.

Back to the flies....

I placed another order with J Stockard last night.  I love them!  This month they have hair and fur 20% off.  You won't find a better price on bucktail, rabbit strips, squirrel strips any where or any time!!  Get it before the end of the month!

(No, I don't work there, not affiliated, they don't pay me.... just a big fan, that's all.)

Now, for some flies....

First on today's menu is a little saltwater action.  This is from "Essential Saltwater Flies", which I got for Christmas.

Surf Candy

See, I need to improve my photography!

Next up are some soft hackles.  I'm not sure what it is about soft hackles, but I just love them.  LOVE THEM!  They are easy to tie, the possibilities are endless, and they catch fish.  So here's a few I've tied so far this year.

Exploding Caddis

Biot & Ice

Brown Antron